
* Literature Review [#heea6e25]

分類に関して、Marrey, R. (2002) 'Seeking structure' ''How to write a thesis'' Maidenhead: open university press, pp.101-114. を参考にしています。


*** Define terms [#o0938205]

*** Justify selection of literature [#za2cbd7d]

*** Justify omissions [#ue94ad7c]

*** Forecast sections of review [#q42f1425]

*** Signal structure [#h72609f6]

*** Link your work to the literature [#v2bd0a57]

*** Critique the literature [#n63d00eb]

''However, it would be superficial to study'' militarization ''only in terms of'' past military activity records, ...; ''this would lead to facile conclusions in terms of'' personnel, budget and arms control only.  [Galtung, 1990, p.296]

*** Define the gap [#gc49c9e9]

*** Name + date + verb [#n4bdc90b]